Purchasing a wood-fired garden hot tub is the best choice in these times of increasingly expensive electricity. Hot tub heating is essential for our jacuzzi to fulfill its functions in every season. Our products are equipped with an internal or external wood-burning stove, and the water heating time is only 2-3 hours, in comparison, an electric hot tub needs as much as 8 hours to reach the appropriate temperature.
The air jacuzzi system combined with the hydro jacuzzi system (water massage) is available in the BASE and PLUS configuration. The BASE system is a combined hydromassage with 8 water-air jets and 4 independent air jets. PLUS is a split massage equipped with 8 water jets and 12 air jets.
Technical parameters:
Mon-Fri ----------------------- 8am - 4pm
Sat --------------------------- Closed
Sun --------------------------- Closed